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"Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein)
Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

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   Algebra I - Under Construction-> enVision TopicsMessage format
Posted 8/6/2018 11:46 AM (#3641)
Subject: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities


Posts: 485
Location: FCPS (IAK Support Services)
Follow the link to a 3 act task recording sheet on Graham Fletcher's website:

The 3 Act Task recording sheet is not required; rather, is an option when using the tasks with students in each enVision Topic.
Posted 8/6/2018 11:48 AM (#3642 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: Algebra I everyday topics


Posts: 485
Location: FCPS (IAK Support Services)

This is a very large zip file that would be useful for teaching Algebra 1 "every day".

It is a compressed file with the activities for Topics 1 and 2 of Algebra I everyday.
Posted 8/6/2018 1:45 PM (#3656 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Doodle Notes Page for Lesson 1.4
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 5

Here is a "Doodle Notes" with the envision examples for Lesson 1.4.

Note: when you open click "repair" and then click "okay" and the Doodle Note will open! Have fun using!

Attachments 1.4 Student Supplement enVision Algebra 1.pptx (105KB - 682 downloads)
Posted 8/28/2018 7:37 PM (#3705 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Interactive Teacher Editions for enVision

Location: IAKSS
Sarah Kinman, Lafayette has created the following Interactive Teacher Editions for enVision.

She has added text boxes with helpful information.

The usefulness will be for the teacher to plan their lesson around.

Note- she also put some practice problems that had been helpful in previous years.

Attachments 1.1 Interactive Teacher Edition algebra enVision.docx (111KB - 684 downloads)
Attachments 1.3 Interactive Teacher Edition.docx (118KB - 2227 downloads)
Attachments 1.4 Interactive Teacher Edition.docx (183KB - 3556 downloads)
Attachments 1.5 Interactive Teacher Edition.docx (217KB - 683 downloads)
Attachments 1.6 Interactive Teacher Edition.docx (312KB - 2580 downloads)
Posted 8/28/2018 7:46 PM (#3706 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Interactive Student editions for enVision

Location: IAKSS

Sarah Kinman, Lafayette, has created the following Interactive Student editions for Topic 1 with enVision.

Attachments 1.1 Interactive Student Edition.docx (79KB - 2101 downloads)
Attachments 1.2 Interactive Student Edition.docx (157KB - 2317 downloads)
Attachments 1.3 Interactive Student Edition.docx (111KB - 1308 downloads)
Attachments 1.4 Interactive Student Edition.docx (176KB - 1062 downloads)
Attachments 1.4 Student Supplement.pptx (129KB - 504 downloads)
Attachments 1.5 Interactive Student Edition.docx (176KB - 2473 downloads)
Attachments 1.6 Interactive Student Edition.docx (187KB - 565 downloads)
Attachments 1.7 Interactive Student Edition.docx (265KB - 2743 downloads)
Posted 8/30/2018 12:49 PM (#3717 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 5

Here is a 2-1-0 activity for 1.5. It could also be used as a boss secretary.

Attachments 1.5 CW 2-1-0.docx (23KB - 613 downloads)
Posted 9/10/2018 12:46 PM (#3730 - in reply to #3656)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Doodle Notes Page for Lesson 1.4
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 1

Thanks for this!
Posted 9/14/2018 8:42 AM (#3736 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 5

Here is Natalee's Mystery Number activity for 1.1. I didn't have time to do the real activity in class. So we had volunteers come and have a number on their back and the class answered questions as a whole.

Attachments 1.1 Mystery Number Activity.docx (14KB - 696 downloads)
Posted 12/4/2018 2:14 PM (#4794 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 1

Literal Equations Project

Attachments Literal Equations Project.docx (107KB - 489 downloads)
Posted 4/25/2019 11:44 AM (#4899 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 2

Mix and Math Equations (Section 1-2)

Attachments Mix and Match Equations.docx (16KB - 615 downloads)
Posted 4/25/2019 12:16 PM (#4900 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities
Counts on fingers & toes

Posts: 2

Attachments 1-2 MultiStep Equations Relay - Variables on One Side (2).docx (24KB - 346 downloads)
Posted 10/30/2019 1:58 PM (#4925 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: IAKSS

Warm-up's or Starters' or Flashbacks from Katherine Poe Babb at FDHS.

When Katherine created - she "snipped" the Try It problems, from each section, in each enVision Topic.

So, these questions come directly from enVision.

Note - and this is IMPORTANT - Teachers should use the warm-up the day AFTER the section is taught. For example, use 1-4 the day AFTER teaching section 1-4.

ACT warm-up's are also included for schools who are required to use an ACT warm-up.

Attachments Algebra 1 Warm Up enVision Topic 1_.docx (27KB - 356 downloads)
Posted 10/31/2019 9:46 AM (#4929 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: IAKSS

Attached is an example of a FAL (formative assessment lesson) converted to stations.

Students could still complete the preassessment.

Instead of "card sorts" - students would go around the room and complete the card sort in a station format.

You could have multiple stations using the same card decks, too to create movement and engagement with the FAL models.

The FAL is Interpreting Algebraic Expressions.

ANOTHER option is to use the 3rd attachment which is a worksheet to help organize students and use the cards in a typical card sort format.
Created by Susan McGrath and Dewana Robinson, we used this at Bryan Station with great success.

Attachments FAL in stations - Interpreting Algebraic Expressions.pdf (557KB - 322 downloads)
Attachments Interpreting Algebraic Expressions Worksheet.pdf (97KB - 289 downloads)
Posted 11/21/2019 10:44 AM (#4963 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: IAKSS

Reflection sheet to be used "after" the Topic 1 exam created by Katherine Babb, FDHS and Kenzie Claus, Leestown.

Great for intervention and remediation and standards based grading.

Attachments Self Reflection after Topic 1.docx (25KB - 317 downloads)
Posted 10/20/2020 1:04 PM (#5091 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
FAL: Solving Linear Equations in One Variable

Here is a slide deck that includes the pre and post assessment in digital form, teaching slides, and the always sometimes never card sort in desmos.

From Ronni Tallent - Using FALs digitally - A Formative Assessment Lesson (FAL) in a Google Slide Deck!

Here is a screencastify link for the digital FALS I shared to MILC. I created to explain and thank you for watching and using with your students!
Posted 10/24/2020 9:35 PM (#5096 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: IAKSS

Hey friends! I've been working on making some stuff for Topic 1 and thought I'd share. Feel free to use whatever ?? All the activities are on googles slides, Most of the links should be view only, so you can look at it and then decide if you want to make a copy of it in your drive. The only one that is a force-copy link is the forms version of the 1-4 circuit. When you make a copy of that one, it will have a pop up question and just say yes. It has to do with needing to create a folder in your drive for the very last question where they upload a picture of their work.

FYI - none of the text is editable since I used downloaded fonts on my computer and inserted images of the pages as backgrounds on the google slides.

Natalee - Feel free to upload on MILC if you want (Not sure if you can upload google slides, but you can also share these links with whoever)

If y'all like anything you see and want me to keep sharing stuff as I make it, I can share a link for my folder with you. Just let me know! ??

1-1 Notes (slides)

1-1 Number Sort (slides)

1-2 Maze (slides)

1-3 Algebra Tiles (slides)

1-4 Circuit (slides)

1-4 Circuit (forms)

Posted 3/3/2021 2:54 PM (#5172 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
The first link is a desmos activity I created for practicing solving equations:

This link is for the FAL on equations in digital format. There is a card sort for always true, sometimes true, never true to connect with infinitely many solutions, 1 solution, no solution.

Posted 8/1/2021 2:07 PM (#5249 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: IAKSS

Algebra I Resources by Standard (also notice links at the bottom)
Posted 12/4/2023 2:06 AM (#7456 - in reply to #3641)
Subject: RE: Topic 1 – Solving Equations and Inequalities

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
Solving Equations Bump from PD on 12/5/23

Attachments Bump_ Solving Equations.docx.pdf (50KB - 120 downloads)
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