Algebra Common Assessment 2 documents
Posted 9/29/2018 1:45 PM (#4742)
Subject: Algebra Common Assessment 2 documents

Location: IAKSS
Attached are the "Snips" for ACA 2 (Algebra Common Assessment 1) that should be copied and distributed to students to take prior to posting the answers on the online platform.

This enables students to show work so that teachers can celebrate good work and identify whether a common misconception or an error.

This ACA 2 (Algebra Common Assessment 2) should be administered before Christmas Break. It can be used as a Final Exam OR it can be used as a review for a school written final exam. School choice.

Thanks to Sarah Kinman, Lafayette, for creating the SNIPS for our use! (and revising!) In addition to the SNIPS - are 2 versions of the reviews. (one revised and posted 11.30.2020)

Attachments enVision Algebra Common Assessment 2 Review.docx (348KB - 1201 downloads)
Attachments SNIPS FCPS Algebra 1 Common Assessment 2 2020.pdf (763KB - 2975 downloads)
Attachments enVision Algebra Common Assessment 2 REVIEW Option 2.docx (84KB - 479 downloads)
Posted 12/2/2020 1:26 PM (#5114 - in reply to #4742)
Subject: RE: Algebra Common Assessment 2 documents

Location: IAKSS
In addition to the SNIPS and the Common Assessment Reviews (there are 2), I hope you will consider using this resource.

Created by Ronni Tallent, Crawford, attached is a PowerPoint review for Common Assessment 2 that includs "video" solutions (she uses screencastify and solves)

Thank you for using it!!
Posted 9/26/2021 8:46 PM (#6283 - in reply to #4742)
Subject: RE: Algebra Common Assessment 2 documents

Location: IAKSS

Algebra I Common Assessment Topic Lists

Attachments ACA Algebra 1 Common Assessment Topic Lists.pdf (69KB - 244 downloads)