Big Rocks for Math "Essential Skills"
Posted 10/19/2020 12:58 PM (#5089)
Subject: Big Rocks for Math "Essential Skills"

Location: IAKSS

Fayette County Public Schools – Big Rocks for Elementary, Middle, and High School Mathematics

This document is a list of “big ideas” that are essential to mastery of grade-level content and is not to be interpreted as a complete list of all topics to be taught.

Content vocabulary should be an emphasis at ALL grade levels. Math Practice Standards should be embedded throughout.

Attachments Docuento Big Rock Espan��ol.pdf (366KB - 283 downloads)
Attachments FCPS Math Big Rocks - All Levels.pdf (573KB - 610 downloads)
Attachments Big Rocks for High School Math.pdf (406KB - 287 downloads)
Attachments Math Big Rocks middle school.pdf (406KB - 311 downloads)