Mathematics Instructional Learning Community
Mathematics Instructional Learning Community
The Mathematics Instructional Learning Community (MILC) Project is an alliance among Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) math teachers focusing on:
  • Increasing the pedagogy and content knowledge of math teachers;
  • Integrating technology tools into everyday math instruction; and
  • Developing, implementing and revising units of study.
Questions regarding MILC? Contact: Natalee Mauney Feese, Fayette County Public Schools, MILC Project Director
Questions regarding technical website issues? Contact: Ryan McQuerry, Fayette County Public Schools, Supervisor of Software Development
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"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." (Albert Einstein)
User listing
Counts on fingers & toes
Regular- 50 Posts 30Days
Veteran- 100 Posts 60Days
Extreme Veteran- 300 Posts 90Days
Elite Veteran- 600 Posts 120Days
Expert- 1200 Posts 240Days
  UsernameRank Location Posts Date registered Last login
4lheltonMathTates Creek08/15/20078/15/2007
5sstarrMathBryan Station08/15/20079/20/2007
6awilkersonSpecial EdPL Dunbar409/27/200512/12/2007
8ebloomfiMathHenry Clay09/11/20089/11/2008
9kxreedMathBryan Station79/5/200811/24/2008
11atongateTechnologyTates Creek29/27/20054/6/2009
12jwduffMathTates Creek09/3/20084/9/2009
13keichhornMathTates Creek159/27/20056/1/2009
14bperryMathHenry Clay2819/27/200510/6/2009
15pgkCounts on fingers & toes010/26/200910/26/2009
16junkmanCounts on fingers & toes010/26/200910/26/2009
17ccampbe2Counts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
18smithpCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
19kaczmarekCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
20ElizabethCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
21rpsmithCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
22KcanizalCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
23joywilliamsCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/4/2009
24tfosterCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/5/2009
25barbaraCounts on fingers & toes011/4/200911/9/2009
26ebarnesCounts on fingers & toes012/1/200912/1/2009
27lbrooksCounts on fingers & toes211/4/200912/1/2009
28cxrobinsonCounts on fingers & toes212/1/200912/1/2009
29cdrobertsCounts on fingers & toes112/1/200912/1/2009
30jwattsCounts on fingers & toes012/1/200912/1/2009
31charrisCounts on fingers & toes012/1/200912/1/2009
32awhiteCounts on fingers & toes212/1/200912/1/2009
33ahinesCounts on fingers & toes11/6/20101/6/2010
34kdalesCounts on fingers & toes01/6/20101/6/2010
35bmacdonaldCounts on fingers & toes511/4/20091/6/2010
36melkuhnCounts on fingers & toes611/4/20091/6/2010
37sbottsCounts on fingers & toes21/6/20101/6/2010
38ashornCounts on fingers & toes21/6/20101/6/2010
39jacksonCounts on fingers & toes211/4/20091/6/2010
40spulmanoCounts on fingers & toes511/4/20091/25/2010
41dhaysMathHenry Clay1199/27/20051/27/2010
42pmckeeMathJessie Clark MS308/31/20091/28/2010
43jaultCounts on fingers & toes211/4/20091/29/2010
44jfergusoCounts on fingers & toes010/28/20092/1/2010
45dsharpeCounts on fingers & toes1111/4/20092/2/2010
46lcarverCounts on fingers & toes12/18/20102/19/2010
47jhsmithCounts on fingers & toes03/3/20103/3/2010
48doverstreetCounts on fingers & toes03/3/20103/3/2010
49jvalentiCounts on fingers & toes03/3/20103/3/2010
50abutlerCounts on fingers & toes03/3/20103/3/2010
51BobbieGCounts on fingers & toes1312/16/20094/12/2010
52beleeMathLeestown MS18/31/20095/4/2010
53tmartinCounts on fingers & toes612/9/20095/5/2010
54sshevlinMathTates Creek89/3/20085/5/2010
55rfarquhaMathTates Creek248/8/20065/19/2010
56tdruryCounts on fingers & toes211/4/20097/23/2010
57lkleinekrachtCounts on fingers & toes08/10/20108/10/2010
58DoppeltCounts on fingers & toes08/12/20108/12/2010
59Samley61Counts on fingers & toes08/26/20108/26/2010
60jbieberCounts on fingers & toes08/27/20108/27/2010
61rbfost2Counts on fingers & toes08/31/20108/31/2010
62shallCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
63lswatsonCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
64FelixCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
65mike_hale_bsmsCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
66lpowersCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
67bvaughanCounts on fingers & toes09/9/20109/9/2010
68rpittmanCounts on fingers & toes09/15/20109/15/2010
69rattardCounts on fingers & toes09/15/20109/15/2010
70jkschultz06Counts on fingers & toes09/20/20109/20/2010
71vdudgeonCounts on fingers & toes09/22/20109/22/2010
72pcissellCounts on fingers & toes21/6/20109/29/2010
73lnorthernCounts on fingers & toes08/23/20109/29/2010
74salbrightCounts on fingers & toes111/6/201010/1/2010
75rafrymanCounts on fingers & toes09/9/201010/15/2010
76clh3434Counts on fingers & toes010/28/201010/28/2010
77blanksterCounts on fingers & toes010/28/201010/28/2010
78szehnderMathPL Dunbar589/27/200510/29/2010
79estiversCounts on fingers & toes09/27/201011/3/2010
80dhmartinMathPL Dunbar98/8/200611/4/2010
81Mark RoseCounts on fingers & toes011/17/201011/17/2010
82jcliffordCounts on fingers & toes611/4/20091/7/2011
83msufr99Counts on fingers & toes09/20/20101/13/2011
84amcguireMathBeaumont MS78/31/20094/2/2011
85dbradfordCounts on fingers & toes21/6/20105/5/2011
86jstevensCounts on fingers & toes06/1/20116/1/2011
87kamontgoCounts on fingers & toes09/29/20106/1/2011
88erickenbMathBryan Station258/22/20076/2/2011
89swinchesterCounts on fingers & toes06/2/20116/2/2011
90rmorelandCounts on fingers & toes06/2/20116/2/2011
91brobinsonCounts on fingers & toes06/2/20116/2/2011
92kgillumCounts on fingers & toes1512/18/20096/2/2011
93kmayeCounts on fingers & toes06/3/20116/3/2011
94tpoindexterCounts on fingers & toes06/5/20116/5/2011
95iconnCounts on fingers & toes06/5/20116/5/2011
96cjwilliamsCounts on fingers & toes011/19/20096/6/2011
97AKWebbCounts on fingers & toes06/2/20116/6/2011
98amanda.doddCounts on fingers & toes311/4/20096/6/2011
99lgallienCounts on fingers & toes06/6/20116/6/2011
100tbanker28Counts on fingers & toes06/6/20116/6/2011
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