Mathematics Instructional Learning Community
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"A Mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems." (Paul Erdös)
Sticky Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

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   6th Grade Math-> enVision TopicsMessage format
Posted 2/6/2018 8:49 AM (#3506)
Subject: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data


Posts: 485
Location: FCPS (IAK Support Services)
Posted 3/14/2019 1:43 PM (#4885 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS
Please share with all math teachers including sped and EL.

• Students will use the paper copies attached to complete the work before they log on and complete the assessment online.
• The paper form of the common online assessment will allow teachers to “see” the student work and still enable the answers to post to the platform.
• The paper copies will also enable PLC’s to analyze for common errors or misconceptions or gather examples of exemplary work.

Yes, calculators used for all assessments.

Grade 6 Topic 8 Online Assessment Paper Copy

• Students will use the paper copies attached to complete the work before they log on and complete the assessment online.
• The paper form of the common online assessment will allow teachers to “see” the student work and still enable the answers to post to the platform.
• The paper copies will also enable PLC’s to analyze for common errors or misconceptions or gather examples of exemplary work.

Yes, calculators used for all assessments.

See the attached snips and take a peek online before your students complete the assessments to see how these match.

"Snips" for Topic 8 Assessment. Snips are the online questions in a format that can be printed.

These print-outs are valuable!

Students should take all enVision assessments using pencil/paper prior to completing online.

The attached Snips are in a Word document. If teachers customize the Topic 8 Assessment, these Snips can be customized, as well.
Note: Topic 8 is NOT a common assessment for the district data collection for Grade 6.

Attachments Grade 6 Topic 8 Online Assessment question print out.docx (194KB - 4611 downloads)
Posted 4/15/2019 12:47 PM (#4895 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy

Cartoon Land activity for mean median mode and range.

students must determine the mean, median, mode and range of the cartoon characters heights. then they must identify the outlier remove and determine the new mean median mode and range.

This work nicely with section 8-6 but could be done earlier in the unit without the outlier.

Attachments cartoon land.pdf (172KB - 377 downloads)
Attachments Activity mean median mode.docx (22KB - 378 downloads)
Posted 5/10/2019 9:20 AM (#4901 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS

End of year review activity - ABC sum race.

Students work in groups of 3 (one is A, one is B, one is C). Each works one problem. The team calculates the sum of all 3 problems.
Once all problems and "sums" are finalized, the teacher will verify if sums are accurate. If yes, great! If not, then the team has to find out where the error occurred and revise the sum.

Thanks to Ronni Tallent and Leslie Texas for creating!

Attachments ABC Sum Race 6th no calculator.docx (13KB - 362 downloads)
Posted 1/20/2022 9:49 AM (#6308 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS

New York Times – Daily Graph information – What Do You Notice? What Do You Wonder?

Posted 1/20/2022 9:54 AM (#6314 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS

Want to learn from our January Statistics PD session?

See our Powerpoint below to learn about the Slide Decks ready to use on Canvas and the terrific FAL - Comparing Data Using Statistical Measures as a digital FAL (new) and Desmos: Shapes of Distributions and more!
Posted 4/5/2022 1:50 PM (#6332 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS

enVision Savvas 8.2

Please make a copy!

OR see the Powerpoint attached with the same information. Thanks to Paula Pitcock and Crawford for creating and sharing!

Attachments Copy of 6.SP.3 MMMR Student Copy.pptx (1925KB - 258 downloads)
Posted 2/24/2025 6:06 PM (#7529 - in reply to #3506)
Subject: RE: Topic 8 – Display, Describe and Summarize Data

Location: IAKSS

A new resource for a Starter or Routine is called the Slow Reveal Graph. go to-

There are slide decks that are premade that are terrific to use with sample questions and discussions to ask! One example:

What IS a slow-reveal graph? Slow Reveal Graph (#slowrevealgraph) is an instructional routine that promotes sensemaking about data. This highly engaging routine uses scaffolded visuals and discourse to help students (in K-12 and beyond) make sense of data. As more and more of the graph is revealed, students refine their interpretation and construct meaning, often in surprising ways. This routine increases access for students without sacrificing rigor or engagement.
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