Mathematics Instructional Learning Community
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Sticky Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

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   6th Grade Math-> enVision TopicsMessage format
Posted 2/6/2018 8:50 AM (#3509)
Subject: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate


Posts: 485
Location: FCPS (IAK Support Services)
Posted 1/9/2019 12:40 PM (#4815 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate SNIPS (paper copy) for Common Assessment 3

Location: IAKSS
Please share with all math teachers including sped and EL.

• Students will use the paper copies attached to complete the work before they log on and complete the assessment online.
• The paper form of the common online assessment will allow teachers to “see” the student work and still enable the answers to post to the platform.
• The paper copies will also enable PLC’s to analyze for common errors or misconceptions or gather examples of exemplary work.

Yes, calculators used for all assessments.

Grade 6 Topic 5 Online Assessment Paper Copy

• Students will use the paper copies attached to complete the work before they log on and complete the assessment online.
• The paper form of the common online assessment will allow teachers to “see” the student work and still enable the answers to post to the platform.
• The paper copies will also enable PLC’s to analyze for common errors or misconceptions or gather examples of exemplary work.

Yes, calculators used for all assessments.

See the attached snips and take a peek online before your students complete the assessments to see how these match.

"Snips" for Topic 5 Assessment. Snips are the online questions in a format that can be printed.

These print-outs are valuable!

Students should take all enVision assessments using pencil/paper prior to completing online.

The attached Snips are in a Word document. If teachers customize the Topic 5 Assessment, these Snips can be customized, as well.

Note: Topic 5 is NOT a common assessment for the district data collection for Grade 6.

Attachments SNIPS Grade 6 Topic 5 Online Assessment question print out.docx (120KB - 2112 downloads)
Posted 1/29/2019 2:22 PM (#4840 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
activities for unit conversions

Attachments gallon man turnover cards.docx (21KB - 755 downloads)
Attachments customary measurement turnover cards.docx (21KB - 381 downloads)
Attachments measurement sort.docx (12KB - 384 downloads)
Posted 1/31/2019 3:34 PM (#4843 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
topic 5 scavenger hunt review

Attachments 6th topic 5 scavenger hunt review.pdf (413KB - 1489 downloads)
Posted 1/8/2020 2:20 PM (#4986 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

Location: IAKSS

It's Lego Time!!!

Daphne McCoy, Winburn, has created the Ratio and the Proportion Activities to support enVision lessons.

See the attached.

Attachments Lego Ratios.pdf (530KB - 419 downloads)
Attachments LEGO Proportions.pdf (597KB - 339 downloads)
Posted 2/3/2023 9:44 AM (#7399 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

Location: IAKSS

FAL (one per semester) - FAL-Using Proportional Reasoning **** Recommended for Semester Two FAL ****

This is a card sort that is PERFECT for grade 6 or a proportion review for grades 7, 8, or intervention. IF your school does not have color copier access? Let Natalee know and the TRC can make color copies for the card sort so the "orange" shows up for students.
Posted 3/6/2025 8:53 AM (#7538 - in reply to #3509)
Subject: RE: Topic 5 Understand Ratio and Rate

Location: IAKSS

From Alicia Fera - Southern Middle School.

KET always has excellent resources and I recommend the following! Give it a try and let me know what you think, too!

6th Grade: Unit Rates
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