Mathematics Instructional Learning Community
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"Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein)
Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

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Posted 8/31/2006 4:17 PM (#964)
Subject: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator
The title sounds like a book!?

Ronni and Melanie - are you using the navigator? I used my document camera for a presentation the other day, but no one was impressed one bit! They would much rather have been working on their Reading plans than math......!!

Hope things are going well.....
Posted 8/31/2006 4:44 PM (#965 - in reply to #964)
Subject: RE: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
I don't have enough graphing calculators so unless I borrow we don't navigate... yet.
Posted 9/6/2006 8:44 PM (#980 - in reply to #964)
Subject: RE: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

Posts: 55
Location: Henry Clay
There are some graphing calculators stored in my room, but I think they are just 83's and I think you have to have 83 - pluses, don't you? I'll check them tomorrow. Sorry, I'm not really very familiar with Navigator, but I know you need APPS....maybe after CC season I can visit my old room and maybe you can teach me??
Posted 9/6/2006 9:12 PM (#983 - in reply to #964)
Subject: RE: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
You're right; they do need to be 83/84+. People have been very generous in letting me borrow those. HC is an awesome place to work! Right now I am holding off on navigator until the computers that bryson ordered come in. I just don't want to carry my home computer back and forth. So hopefully we all won't have to wait too much longer.
Posted 10/7/2006 7:36 PM (#1138 - in reply to #964)
Subject: RE: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

Posts: 119
Location: Henry Clay
Bryson is in the process of putting together complete Navigator systems. (Cart, monitor, computer, access point, wireless keyboard and mouse. ) The only thing we are short of are graphing calculators. We have purchased Calculators in the past with textbook funds. The last time I spoke with Shirley Morton she told me that the funds are not yet available and to wait awhile until I make a request. I have put in a request to the tech committee for 30 TI84+ SE. I am hoping at their next meeting they will decide if they can honor my request. In the meantime, if you have the time to write a grant.......!!!
Posted 10/7/2006 8:41 PM (#1140 - in reply to #964)
Subject: RE: Ronni, Melanie, and the Navigator

Location: Retired FCPS, Current UK and Transy
OMG! That is what I have been working on today! Great minds think alike. I'm not promising anything but I will definitely try!
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