Posts: 6
Location: UK | We have a number of folks who cannot make it tomorrow. Can we reschedule for next week (Feb 28th)? A few folks expressed interest in learning how to use dreamweaver. I was thinking ove covering that as part the next session (in addition to answering individual questions about simulations). |
Posts: 108
Location: Henry Clay | Tuesday the 28th should be fine for me. Wed Mar 1 would not work for me. |
Posts: 155
Location: Lafayette | That day is OK with me. |
Posts: 50
Location: Tates Creek | Tuesday, Feb. 28th works fine for me.
Posts: 281
Location: Henry Clay | I have scheduled winter prep for Feb 28. I thought we had agreed on Wednesdays? How about March 1.
Posts: 50
Location: Tates Creek | I'm OK with Wed. March 1st (although I might be a little late due to a CATS testing "thing" at TC, but that's no big deal). Here's a thought - let me know what you think: Since we seem to be scrambling a little bit to find a meeting time for next week, is it really necessary that we meet next week, or can we just make the already-scheduled 8th our next meeting? I'm flexible, but just a thought. |
Posts: 281
Location: Henry Clay | I am all for the 8th and a day after that to make up for this week.
Posts: 155
Location: Lafayette | Wed., Mar. 1st is OK with me, but I am OK to wait until the 8th. I am somewhat flexible! |
Posts: 104
Location: Henry Clay | What was the final word on when we are meeting? I assume that March 8 is our next meeting. When will we make up the one we missed? |
Posts: 50
Location: Tates Creek | The final vote was for our next meeting to be on March 8th (as already scheduled). We can decide on a make up date at that time when we're all together ... much easier to discuss that way. |